my tu pitu pitu, a w wielkim swiecie: https://www.france24...year-end-macron Ostateczna decyzja w ciagu 10 dni, po konsultacji z osrodkami i pozostalymi panstwami alpejskimi. Z drugiej strony osrdoki oczywiscie mowia, ze sa gotowe zgodnie z restrykcjami. Fakt faktem, sytuacja wyglada calkowicie inaczej niz w marcu, kiedy nie bylo zadnych obostrzen i mozna bylo swobodnie sie zarazac tanczac na stolach w knajpach Info ze strony Val Tho: [Info COVID 19] Last night, at 8pm sharp, we were sitting in front of our television, waiting for potentially good news. Well, it wasn't good news. We haven't skied since March... so that's 9 months without skiing, but in the end we have all waited that long in our lives We're not going to lie, we're missing the whole picture. The -35°C, the windstorms and even the escalator in Galerie Caron! So when will we open? We'd love to be able to see into the future to answer that question. As soon as we have more information, you can be sure of it that you will be the first informed One thing is sure, the French mountains, going from Tignes to La Bresse , passing by La Clusaz , are ready to welcome you as soon possible, while respecting the sanitary conditions. With all of our know-how, our motivation and our desire, we'll be there besides all tourism stakeholders.